Webinar: How AST is Pioneering the Digital Transformation Among Transfer Agents with FusionIQ

The Transfer Agency landscape has evolved greatly over the years. Recognizing the shift in shareholder preferences to comprehensive financial wellness and digital investing, AST sought a partner to provide a digital advice platform for shareholders and plan participants. 

Watch our on-demand webinar to hear how AST is pioneering a new era in the transfer agency space and why AST turned to FusionIQ to meet the evolving needs of shareholders and employee plan participants.

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Picture of John Guthery, CFA <br> Chief Investment Officer
John Guthery, CFA
Chief Investment Officer

John is a highly respected investment executive, bringing more than 27 years of experience to his role as Chief Investment Officer for FusionIQ. As CIO, John focuses on developing advisor platforms and business lines including finTAMP and Digital Model Marketplace. He also contributes to FusionIQ’s thought leadership and market analysis.

John’s extensive financial services background includes leading market research, due diligence and platform enhancements for top-tier wealth managers including LPL Financial, where he spent 19 years running product research, Park Avenue Securities, Voya Financial and WP Carey where he helped to design and manage public and private real estate funds and public BDCs.

jguthery@fusioniq.io | Connect on LinkedIn

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